Let the Momma Love Flow with With Babyflo | I'm Giving Away BabyFlo Goodies! - Shen's Addiction

Let the Momma Love Flow with With Babyflo | I'm Giving Away BabyFlo Goodies!

My beautiful Mom and I

“When I open my mouth, my Mother comes out.”

This phrase describes exactly who I am as mother. I can’t believe how much I’ve made is so hard for her and here I am ending up being like her to my children. Sweet irony, I guess. 

Now more than ever though do I appreciate everything she has taught me. Becoming a mom gave a whole new meaning to who she was to me. Now I understand the selflessness, the constant hovering and the endless eskimo kisses. My mother unconditionally loves me that I know now for sure. Because it is exactly how I feel for my children.

It’s hard for me to imagine her ever feeling clueless about caring and parenting me. She seemed so strong, so full of will. But now I know she went all through these because it is exactly how I feel right now even with my second born. I remember giving Steffi her first bath and forgetting half of the things I needed to prepare... and how her tiniest sound would instantly wake me up just because i’m worried with what’s happening with her. And with Claud, I feel lost at times on how to discipline her. 

If you are not married and still have no children, make Mother’s Day extra special for the person who loves you with all her heart. Honor her and let her know that despite the cat fights, the misunderstandings, you are nothing without her. Let her know she has molded you to be the person that’s discerning, committed and passionate. That no matter where in the world you, there’s no one who can make “marinated porkchops” or spaghetti as good as hers. That you will miss her “lectures”? Her knowing what you need even before you ask it of her and how there are so many advances in science and medicine and yet only her rubbing vaporub on your chest and back takes away your fever and chills.

There is clearly no one like our momma.

And if you want some tear-jerker videos to share with her and remisnce the time she first gave you a bath, watch these Babyflo videos with her. 

Catch the third episode on May 13, 2018!

Do you want to win one of 3 Babyflo gifts sets (One grand prize with bath tub 🛀, and 2 consultation loot bags.), follow the mechanic

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