Tech Tuesday: Deezer Pairs Up with Smart Communications
As much as I love everything in beauty that will prevent my skin from looking my real age... I am not averse to aging. In fact, I welcome it. I, after all, believe in the old adage that with age comes wisdom. Yes, they do.. It's just a matter of knowing how to use it. :)
One thing about growing older is the chance to reminisce things in the past with friends your age. Just last week, T and I got excited about the remake of the Jem and Holograms to live action film! Now I'm back in my 80's groove and listening to songs that I grew up to.
Oh how music just takes you back.
That's why I was quite ecstatic to know that Smart and Deezer is partnering up! :) That's freedom in music for over 72 million Smart subscriber nationwide! I get to have a Deezer Premium + service just by subscribing using my Smart Postpaid line. That means unlimited access to music with no ad interruption online or offline. I don't have to scour tracks from the internet and empty out my memory to keep the track from all era's that I want.
Best of all, I get to share my music playlist with people whom I share common interests with. Because not everyone will get what Electric Dreams does to me whenever I hear it. :) Smart will be offering all kinds of promotion and types of plans for those who want to avail Deezer. I can't wait for them to finally launch this partnership. :)
It's gonna do me so much good to surround myself with good vibe music ones the baby is out. :) It's also gunna be easier with a SMART LTE connection! :)
Want to know more about Smart X Deezer program? Find out more via think link:

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