My Beauty Hour with Athena
Having a glass of milk every night has been practice for me since I was a little kid. I may not drink it as religiously but I make sure that I drink at least 3 to 4 glasses weekly. Especially now that my work's been aging me so fast, i needed all the help that I can get.
I find that drinking my nutrients more effective that with supplements. Not to mentioned that it's more affordable and that my body takes it in faster. This is the part of the evening that I fondly call my beauty hour. An hour at night that I give to myself to attend all my kikay needs.
If you want to know more, I made short video describing my Beauty Hour when I get home from a stressful day at work.
Those are just simple few things I do to keep my skin and body healthy. Mom always told me to never go to sleep without drinking my milk. That I would thank her one day. Yes, Mom! I am thanking you!
But drinking milk fro the young Shen have evolved. I drink now a glass of Athena milk that's jampacked with both calcium and anti-oxidant. Given that our skin, like I mentioned, is constantly exposed to free radicals (from processed food we eat, pollution and dirty aircondition) it ages us faster. Making us look years older than our age. And that's not good given that Pinays are know to look the opposite! Athena's anti-oxidant ingredients allow us to boost our body and replenish our skin while we are sleep.
There's more to tip and trick and let me hand you over to the ultimate Pinay goddess, Anne Curtis!
For more bedtime tips, head on over to the Athena Milk Facebook and Twitter Page.

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