A Parisian Haul | Bags and Shoes - Shen's Addiction

A Parisian Haul | Bags and Shoes

It's impossible to leave SM department store without buying anything. Much more if you stop at Parisian. You agree, right? I was just waiting for a friend at SM Makati and look what I came out with... two cute bags that I've always wanted but found the ones I saw in other brands too expensive.

Here the first one that caught my eye a mint green bad with gold studs and chains. I immediately took it never let it go. It's pretty small. It's around 6x5 inches and quite heavy but I didn't care. It was cheap at only
Php499.74 and it was in my favorite color!

At Php399.75, patent and quite spacious, I knew I hit the jackpot with this bag. Compared to some I've seen online and in stores, this bag was so much better. Take it away from all the other bags at Parisian and it will shine. So far, I've been loving this as an office bag. It fits my wallet, glasses, two mobile phones, small kikay kit car holder and mili just right.

These are the shoes I hauled while killing time before our movie started. Took me less than 30 minutes to purchase these two! Hahaha! That how in love I am with these shoes. The one above is one of the most comfortable shoes I've worn and it's only Php899.75! Insane, right? It's suede though so I have to scotch guard them when I have a chance.

The one below is pair of flats I've been eyeing from another brand but doens't justify paying for 1,000 for it. This one here though is only Php699.75! Crazy afforadable and it's in my favorite shoe color! And it's also comfy! It's unbelievable the deals that I find at Parisian.

I rarely haul on shoes and bags. Compared to makeup and skincare, I find buying clothing and accessories are too extravagant and so I scour the malls and online for the best prices. I rarely buy a dress that cost 2,000 and above. That's how cheap I am when it comes to clothes. For me, the lesser the price the better (unlike makeup). So seeing how styligh and affordable Parisian can be is definitely comforting for fashion stringy girl like me. And you, of course! Well, if you are. :)

Find out more if the recent Parisian styles matches yours, visit their facebook page today!

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