How To Deal: BF thinks I wear too much makeup - Shen's Addiction

How To Deal: BF thinks I wear too much makeup

The Dilemma

"The boyfriend thinks I wear too much makeup."

How to deal

It's not really that easy to experiment with makeup when the BF seems to not like you wearing it. That's alright, most guys actually prefer au naturelle look. Some even prefer their girlfriends with no makeup at all.

But what does "too much" actually mean? I asked a few of my male friends to define this and most their answer: "If you can tell she's wearing one... then, it's too much."

I personally think they don't know what their talking about. Hehehe!

The next time your boyfriend tells you you wear too much makeup, ask him why. Being in a relationship should mean that you can talk honestly and openly with each other. Tell him the reason why you wear makeup in the first place. It could be because you love to wear makeup, hide bad skin (zits, blemishes, etc.) or to impress him

 Ask him what is too much makeup for him. If you talk about it, you'll be able to understand each other's points and be able to come into a compromise.

What if you do really wear too much makeup? (Guilty!)

Consider the following:
Benefit Sun Beam Bronzer

  • Cover only blemishes 
  • Save liquid foundations for special events or evenings
  • Switch to a more natural-looking mascara
  • Choose a lipstick that acts like MLBB (My Lips But Better)
  • Cheek tints rather than powder blushes
  • Liquid bronzers instead of pressed powder ones
  • Stay away from cat eyes during day time and line your eyes with waterproof eyeliner in brown for a more natural effect.
  • Shimmers may be reserved for parties
  • Never forget to groom your brows.
  • No to bright colored makeup during daytime (save this for evening parties)

It's all about using your makeup at the right time and in proper places. Your boyfriend may have a point and since he loves you, listening to him couldn't hurt. Unless he is being overly dramatic and clueless about makeup.

You can also pose this as challenge for you to practice your no-makeup makeup look! #challengeaccepted

My Experience

I'm lucky that the boyfriend did not express any untoward reactions when I started to play around with makeup. We were already in our 2nd year relationship when the cosmetic bug bit me. He witnessed me bare faced with all pock and pimple marks marring my skin. I didn't know how to define my brows nor could I ever imagine wearing straight out black eye shadow or red lipstick.

But what I'm grateful for is that he understood my passion (read: addiction) to the colorful world of makeup. Yes he didn't mind waiting for me while I apply makeup, didn't mind that I use liquid foundation on a daily basis. He sees it as a way for me to express myself and coming from him, he know how much makeup makes me happy.

Bottom line, you're in a relationship and it should be easy enough for the two of you to talk about things without worrying how the other should feel. If he can give up wearing that ratty old shirt you asked him to, then wearing less makeup is an easy feat! Don't change for him, rather meet halfway. :)

After all, there are a lot of products that are imitates good skin...Choose those that he could hardly tell if its makeup or not.

Got a dilemma? I would love to help! :) 

E-mail me at shensaddiction@gmail.com for all your beauty or love issues.

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  1. Gemnikka Alcantara12/7/12 8:43 AM

    I love this post, Shen! :)


  2. Thanks for this Ms. Shen, I'm really in this situation right now. :(

  3. LOL! I've encountered ex bfs complaining how too much make up I am wearing, there's also a time that when he kissed me on my cheek he complained that my foundation or powder tastes funny so what I did is I practiced the no make up look and from there no more complains from the boys only compliments. I love this blog post Ms. Shen :)

  4. i don't think a guy should be able to dictate what you do to your own face even if he's the one who has to look at you anyway.
    if he can't stand it, then he should be a man and confront his girl about it. then start the dialogue from there. kung ayaw wag nya, also, check out his mom, kung maka makeup ang mom nya eh di sanay na yung guy sa ganong kultura, like my man, career working woman mudra nya so, laging naka muk-ap ala dynasty at dallas at knots landing complete with the mega shoulder pads hahaha.
    eh maraming guys mahilig sa 'simple look' aka hindi high maintenance hahaha.
    kung boipren pa lang kinokontrol na pati pag makeup ng isang babae, mag lelevel up (escalate yan) pati sa family planning, pati kung san ka pwede pumunta with your friends kung may reunion. though di na masyado uso uso mga ganyang archaic men, marami rami parin na pa-conservative kyeme hahaha
    so isip isip isip bago mag settle down.

  5. Maghulusdili ka sis! :) I am all for female empowerment and I do get your point.. at parang di binasa ang post ko ha. tampo ako. :)

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  7. Hi Gen, I hope this post helps! If not, e-mail me and let's see how I can help with your situation. :)

  8. Yey! Go Svetlani! I think being in a relationship is hardwork and we may not always agree on the same things but that doesn't mean you have to give up on the relationship. Guys just need to understand what we're going through. :)

  9. ha? ooops you in my first sentence up there in my response didnt mean you, Shen, specifically, it meant you, to the person reading my response. so sorry for the confusion.
    yep, i read your post LOL, the sermon i is for the girls reading this post who have cavemen for bf's hahaha

  10. The Beauty Junkee12/7/12 2:47 PM

    My boyfriend would only tell me if my face is too dark or too white. He thinks makeup is fine on women as long as we know how to use it and how to blend it properly. And I think he can start a beauty blog now. Haha!

  11. i see where i may have gotten misunderstood there. so sorry, didn't mean any offense. though the damage maybe done. i hope my edits in my initial statement now say what i meant.
    i meant no offense, my sincerest apologies.

  12. I want my daytime make-up to look as natural as possible. Ang problem ko naman, paano ko uubusin ang make-up ko like liquid foundation and eyeshadows. I don't wear this kasi on daily basis. I stick to powder foundation, mascara, lipbalm and lipstick. Sayang kasi. Hindi ako makabili ng bago.

  13. I think you are free to wear whatever and how much of it you want. My bf has seen me with/without make up and so has most people that know me. He tells me I am beautiful with and without it and that I don't need it either :) It comes down to how you apply your make up and if it looks appropriate/good. Sometimes people confuse "too much make up" with "your make up does not look nice on you". Some people also think that any amount of make up is too much. It's very subjective and really, if a bf doesn't like it than get away from me LOL My blog is called "artificially-pretty.blogspot.ca" because I know that people are judging others in many different ways. People automatically assume that make up = insecurity. However, for those that know me, make up is a hobby and its not how much of it that you wear, but how you wear it. I also find it that the people who judge others by saying too much make up probably don't know how to put it on or have no interest in make up. Its fun, so why not? Looking natural and the same everyday gets boring doesn't it? It's like wearing the same white t-shirt and jeans every day. Just because one person chooses "natural/bare face" over make up, doesn't mean they should impose it on others and think that they are better than those that prefer to wear make up. There is nothing wrong with pampering yourself with the luxury of applying make up. Anyhow, you can tell I feel very strongy about people's negative attitudes against those that like to change up their looks regularly. :)

  14. this is a very nice post.... lucky you for having a boyfriend who doesn't complain when you started playing with makeup, to think that he first witnessed you without makeup and all...:) Miss Shen, do you have a SAVE alternative for the sun beam? hihi :)

  15. Thanks Ms. Shen. I don't like it when he always questions me that it take me long time preparing. Super affected tuloy kasi di nalang ako maxado nag aayos but the thing is I don't feel the boost confidence pag mukha akong haggard na bagong gising :s

  16. ViviSection13/7/12 2:01 PM

    If the boyfriend complains you're wearing too much makeup, chances are, you are! I always wear makeup but my boyfriend never complains because I use everything in moderation. It's actually okay to wear bright-colored makeup in the daytime, but keep it to one part of your face, e.g, lips. Don't wear brights all over! Enhance your beauty but don't overdo it. Your boyfriend doesn't want a walking makeup store by his side, lol.

  17. angelamhiere13/7/12 2:52 PM

    This post definitely made me smile!

    We had the same situation: when hubby and I started dating, I used to wear only a few items: powder and lipstick/balm or gloss. When we graduated and started working, he saw how my passion for makeup (and skin care) grew: from skin care to Korean cosmetics and BB Creams to the crazy world of colors and falsies. I'm glad that he understands it, although there are still times that he would also have the "bf/hubby vs. makeup" moment. I am also happy that he is proud of what I am learning through blogs and Youtube videos, that I could apply them when someone (usually his sister) would ask me to do their makeup.

    As of now, I wear makeup occasionally since I only stay and work from home. I only wear makeup when there's something special and the situations calls for it. That way, I try to come up with a look that will not only impress my hubby, but other people as well. ^__^


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