Angelicopter's Breast Augmentation by Belo. - Shen's Addiction

Angelicopter's Breast Augmentation by Belo.

I'm sure many were surprised when sexy radio DJ Angelika or fondly called Angelicopter, announced to the world that she had her breast augmented at the most famous cosmetic surgerical clinic, Belo Med. It's not often that we have someone admit they had undergone such procedure. After all, we want to get enhanced for people to mistake it as something real...

Isn't that the usual case? How can these celebrities announce nationwide (worldwide, even) that they were cosmetically enhanced? Aren't they scared to be judged? Isn't natural beauty important to them?

Seriously, I'm laughing myself at typing those words. Because natural beauty comes in being real and I do admire these women for rejoicing the fact they can now enjoy a much slimmer and well-proportionate bodies, cosmetically-made or otherwise.

Looking at Angelika during the Belo Blogger's Night, I was surprised on how natural she was. Nothing seemed off unlike with other ladies I've met who had the same procedure done. Although breast augmentation is the farthest thing on my mind, her confidence was so contagious that I'm sure half of us there wanted one even if my 36D breast size didn't need it. Perhaps, a lift instead.

Angelika talked to us about the whole process she went through, on how she first talked to her husband about it, consulted with several cosmetic surgeons as well as members of her family and friends. Bottomline is, even when you're doing this procedure for you, you need to be aware of the people that are important in your life before going through anything invasive. With that and all knowledge and support she needed, Angel had the procedure done and VIOLA! A fabulous looking body in no time! She was even wake-boarding in Laoag, a few weeks after! :)

Angelicopter with the silicone implant.

Why did she do it anyway? After giving birth and intensive breast feeding, Angel's breast size dropped down from a B to A. I've asked friends who breastfed if they noticed any changes from their breast size or nipples and some of them told me that they did while some said they haven't noticed any difference. I guess, it differs from one woman to another. For Angel, she felt her confidence waning whenever she's in a bikini or just with her husband. She didn't feel like her old self. Breast Augmentation was something she has always wanted even when she was single, so thinking of it as a way to improve her appearance was a typical thing for her to contemplate doing.

And now, she stands before us looking magnificently like a goddess with an angelic voice and witty brain that will knock any man's socks right off.

Angel can only thank Belo Med Group for having the latest techniques and technology because Belo's Breast Augmentation will allow her to breat feed again, as its procedure is a lot safer with lesser complications pre and post-surgery. The way they do it by way that makes the breast look natural as it's inserted near the muscle and not the fat or skin. The jiggly-wiggly it still there and production of milk isn't hindered. You never have to fear your skin from sagging and the implants are safer from outside elements.

Serious medical stuff, I tell you. Some of the words Dra. Belo were saying wasn't even within the realm of my vocabulary. But she was able to explain that their way is the latest in cosmetic surgery and they provide a safer alternative to breast augmentation.

I know many are still apprehensive to get anything invasive done. I am not about to push you to contemplate on it. But me, well, aside from limiting my food intake to healthy options and exercising... cosmetic surgery isn't very far from my mind. I want it and I aim to have it. Maybe not now... probably in the future.

I'm even thinking of having my Deviated Septum removed at Belo... :)

What about you? Have you ever thought of getting a cosmetic surgery?

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  1. huhuhu if anyone needs this it's me [negative A ata ako eh :P]

  2. i believe i need this too but I don't have the courage to do this, hihihi...i'm just not brave enough....

  3. ScatterbrainAdventures29/6/11 4:27 PM

    I must admit--cosmetic surgery does cross my mind every few times. Not breast augmentation though... Something like lipo or alar trimming.

  4. She must have some guts to openly speak about it! :-)

  5. lol! natawa naman ako sa negative A! :) imagine paris hilton, kahit walang boobs sexy pa din pwede naman mag invest sa bra e. oh btw buti nalang im lucky... kasi 38B ako :D dati kinakahiya ko yung boobs ko nung highschool kasi daw ang laki. now im proud! au natural. 

  6. nicely done
    nicely done

  7. I love your result. I am gonna do BA too.
    Thinking of using this implants, call motiva.

  8. Someone Help16/7/19 5:27 PM

    Hi, Good Day. Thanks for Sharing.

    Check this out: Motiva Breast Augmentation

  9. I agree with you, natural beauty is the best but enhancing something in your body isn't bad at all when it can have a positive effect with you especially to boost your confidence. I am also done my breast augmentation in Philippines and I gain a lot of confidence. Anyways, thank you for sharing this article. :)


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