Personal: Please pray for my Mommy - Shen's Addiction

Personal: Please pray for my Mommy

I don't think i can blog about beauty stuff for the coming days...

My mom suffered from a stroke that caused an internal hemorrhage in the midpart of her brain and brain stem. She is very much in a critical condition. All the doctors that we have consulted have given the same prognosis, that my mom has a bleak future. That only GOD, our lives' author, who can write what will happen next. I am very much hopeful and still and will always believe that she is only taking this time to rest from all the stress in her life. My mom is grand like that... She likes having a lot of attention given to her.. I know, one day, she'll wake up and give me a mouthful of sermon on how much i spend on makeups and time on the internet. I can't wait for next sunday when she and I will go and hear mass, have breakfast and bring Duke to the groomers.

I love my mom so much... that losing her is not even an option for me. I know you'll feel the same way I do...

On her birthday this coming Dec. 4, i promised to sing one of her fave song MAMA by Spice Girls:

Please... Please... help me pray for my mom. Please ask God to give her all the grace she needs to wake up.

thank you

much love,

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