why i was on no-buy on makeup... (pic heavy)
The following pictures will tell you why Kikay Pinay was on shopping rehab. No relapse here. Since i learned that my aunts from different parts of the US are coming over, i took this chance to ask them to buy me stuff (i know! i'm too much!). I asked only for a few stuff since the prices of the products i want are very expensive. But they saw to giving me some other stuff as well. :)
Shen's pasalubong (gifts from abroad) Weeeee!!!
Thanks to Tito Sol for getting me this since they couldn't fins the SK blending brush... I just love the color of this makeup bag and the travel brush set it too cute for words! :)
look! animal print. :)
For the eyes.. this will last me until another balikbayan arrives. :) click on the applicator photo to see the applicator of the de-crease closely. it's so different from the urban decay primer potion.
This, my tita says, was a promotional thing. I asked for just 2 primer potion but they got the other one with ammo palette too. i didn't even asked for it. :)
sigh! finally...
stila neutral palette. this was a gift to my aunt but she never used it so she gave it to me. :)
from tita Lita and ate Aileen. thanks!!! they gave me some clinique eyeshadows too but i forgot to take a pic. :)
MAC Femme-fi and Expensive Pink from Ninang Doray. Time and Space was sold out.. :(
L'oreal bright shadow duo from tita Mameng. :) bright colors to play around with! Yahoo. :)
Monistat supply. Thanks to tita Mameng! :)
No box anymore coz my new LUMENE Brush cleaner leaked. :(
close up fo the Revlon Palette. :)
Blender Brush from Face Secret thanks to tita Mameng. :)
I really really feel blessed to have aunts that accomodate my request and for giving me more stuff that i didn't even ask for. and to tito Sol who got me the stuff from Sephora! :)
What gifts have you received lately?
much love,

I would love to hear from you!