6 Common Myths About Ovulation and Pregnancy

Perhaps you have been trying to get pregnant for a while now. And besides planning hot romantic nights, you also spend considerable time online researching information about having a baby. That’s all well and good, but you have to be cautious of the recommendations and tips that you get on the internet because not all of them are true. 

Believing erroneous information about fertility and getting pregnant could make conceiving even more challenging and frustrating. To help clear things up, below are some of the most common myths about ovulation and pregnancy and the truths behind them: 

Myth 1: Ovulation always happens on Day 14 of your menstrual cycle 

While ovulation occurs around 14 days before menstruation commences, there is no fixed ovulation day for all women since menstrual cycles are not all the same length. Some women have their period every 28 days, while others every 24 to 36 days. 

To determine your ovulation day, it is essential to consider the length of your cycle. If you menstruate every 28 days, you will ovulate around day 14. Suppose your menstrual cycle is 24 days, ovulation happens around day 10.

Besides counting the days, you can keep your eyes open for physical signs that you are ovulating, like noticing clear and slippery vaginal mucus discharge. You can also try using an ovulation calculator for a hassle-free way of identifying your most fertile days.

Myth 2: Your egg can be fertilized even after two days of release 

Timing is critical for conceiving. Although sperm can survive in the uterus for up to five days, your egg needs to be fertilized within 24 hours or less after ovulation or release from the ovary.

If fertilization does not occur during this brief time frame, the egg will disintegrate into your uterine lining and shed by your body during menstruation. That is why it is essential to understand and identify your ovulation period for a higher chance of conceiving. 


Myth 3: Something is wrong when you don’t conceive after several months 

Perhaps you are under the impression that getting pregnant is as easy as having one night of unprotected sex. In reality, many factors affect conception, such as age, reproductive health of the couple, and timing of sexual intercourse.

The odds of getting pregnant after a month of trying are not that high. Some pairs even take about a year to conceive, and that is still within the realm of "normal." 

A 2003 German study on time of pregnancy published in a scientific journal Human Reproduction found that 88 percent of couples who engaged in timed intercourse get pregnant after six months, while 98 percent conceived after a year. Note that these women are using fertility tracking techniques and not merely relying on a hit-or-miss method.  

After trying without getting pregnant after a year, you may want to see your doctor for a checkup. If you are more than 34 years old, it is best to make an appointment earlier, say after six months of trying but without results.  


Myth 4: Drinking cough syrup can help you get pregnant 

This misconception became popular in the 1980s when people believed the guaifenesin ingredient in cough syrup could help women’s fertility. As an expectorant, guaifenesin works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways. That is why many theorized that it would also thin the cervical mucus to make it simpler for the sperm to travel through the uterus and reach the egg. 

There is no scientific evidence to back this theory. Before you think that this method may be worth trying, remember that taking medication if you are not sick could impact your health and lead to more problems. 

 Myth 5: Having an irregular cycle makes you less fertile 

Having an irregular menstrual cycle does not directly affect your fertility. But, it could be challenging for you to determine your fertile window or ovulation period. Note that timing sexual intercourse within this time frame increases the probability of getting pregnant. If you find it difficult to monitor your fertile days, you may want to have coitus every other day throughout the month to conceive.  

While having an irregular cycle does not make you less fertile, it is still advisable to seek professional help to ensure that its cause does not affect your ovulation. Keep in mind that polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disease, and few other causes of an irregular period impact your ability to carry a child.

Myth 6 Raising your legs after sex can help you conceive 

The idea behind that myth is that elevating your legs up in the wall after sexual intercourse will help the sperm reach the cervix faster with gravity. There is no hard doing it, but it will not affect your chances of conceiving.

There is no scientific evidence that supports this claim. Even without your help, sperm can reach your cervical canal within seconds of coitus and travel through the fallopian tubes in less than two minutes. 

As you can see from the discussion above, there are numerous misconceptions about fertility and getting pregnant. It is essential to search for reliable online sources and read scientific studies to get factual information.

Or better yet, you can schedule an appointment with your obstetrician/gynecologist to receive medical advice on the best ways to prepare for pregnancy.  

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