#CamillaClaudette's NEW Fave | STAR Margarine Fairy Bread - Shen's Addiction

#CamillaClaudette's NEW Fave | STAR Margarine Fairy Bread

I used to say I will never be a bento-making mom but when I got these box full of the new STAR Margarine Fairy Bread, it sure was fun tinkering with it. I may have found a new hobby. After all, in a few months, Claud will be off to school and I need to prepare nutritious baon for her.

STAR Margarine is a permanent ingredient and palaman in our house. I use it for many of my cooking recipes. I grew up with the smell of margarine because my mom used it to give her famous Porchop Marinade more flavor. And who didn't grow up eating hot pandesal with Star Margarine and sugar? It was a true-Pinoy breakfast and snacks.

It's very comforting to know I can rely on the same products for my own child. With thoughts of everything in moderation, this new Star Fairy Magic Bread is such a great idea to add on the many snacks I plan to make for her. 

And for those of you running out of ideas because we all know how picky our kids can be with food, include as another option to choose from daily! Grab one box the next time you visit the grocery. But if you want to win one of these boxes, you'll find how at the end of this post!

The Star Margarine Fairy Bread comes with different kinds of sprinkles: classic sprinkles, stars , christmas tree and flowers! It was also a nice way to practice shapes and colors with Claud. This kit came also with molds, measuring spoon, balloons and confetti. How colorful!

This star in particular reminded of the The Little Prince. And just look at how happy my little girl is with her new snack? Gotta LOVE that sweet smile!

Of course, I allowed her to design her own bread! It was sure messy but it was twice the fun.

Here she is enjoying her Star Margarine Fairy Bread Snack.

Do you want to win a special STAR Margarine Fairy Bread Kits and share this fun experience with your children? Follow @OfficialStarMargarine on Facebook. All the mechanics are there! 🌟

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