Rosy Peel | A Cocktail of Skin-Loving Fruits!
Hello, loves!
It’s a good thing that I chanced upon Rosy Peel supplements. I’ve always believed that working from inside out is always that best way to solve any skin problem. Creams and serum can only go a long way if you care for your skin from inside out. If you’ve seen my posts on juicing and how helpful it is in giving that healthy glow and how it cleared my skin, that already tells you that it’s effective. But who has time (and money) to juice? With being a full-time mom, I sure don’t. So I definitely need the extra supplement that Rosy Peel can give.
Rosy Peel is exactly what I’ve been looking for. That extra boost my skin needs to rejuvenate. The added boost of vitamin C from fruits contained in it helps revive my skin. It has dormant saps of young green strawberry, guava, bignay and kamias fruits. No need to hunt for strawberry or haggle for a lower price everytime I go to the market, I can get my daily dose of these fruit combination to help keep my skin looking healthy. And it’s easily available at all Mercury drugstore for only Php22.00 per capsule. Not bad, I say.
What makes Rosy Peel effective?
It’s the fruits! I mentioned that it’s made from strawberry, guava, bignay, and kamias, all of which are rich in Vitamin C, a good source of anti-oxidant. But there’s more to them than just that.
Strawberry alone contains so much more than just being a good source of vitamin C. It has Ellagic Acid, another type of antioxidant that helps lighten skin pigmentation and protect skin from sun damage. It has as Resveratrol that has anti-aging effect and can also reduce the possibility of heart ailments, diabetes and even skin cancer! But my favourite thing about Strawberry is that exfoliates, renews the skin and lightens dark spots. Since I’m suffering from old pimple scars and sun spots, this is such a great help.
Guava, one of our favourite fruit from childhood actually has 5x the amount of vitamin C compared to oranges. So imagine the amount of antioxidant that prevent and help repair cell damage caused by freed radicals. It’s been proven also to help heal acne.
Bignay is a gooselike-berry that grows on trees. It has high dosage of antioxidant and is used to treat a lot of skin condition like snake bites and even syphilis! What’s great is that is has calcium and Q10 which we all know are good for the skin.
Kamias is the last but certainly not the least that makes Rosy Peel a great addition to our skin care regimen, it being rich in flavanoids and saponins that make it antibacterial that helps treat skin effectively
This combination of carefully selected fruits along with young green strawberries makes this a potent supplement to reveal healthy looking skin. Especially for skin like mine that suffers from acne, dullness and aging.
I’ve been taking Rosy Peel for a week now and I can see great results! Since I haven’t been religiously applying my skin care at night, I noticed that even without it and just the addition of Rosy Peel in my daily supplement intake some of my small acne has lessened and the big ones have significantly healed. My skin feels more plump and brighter that I have to use a lighter shade of foundation since my old one is a tad darker on me already.
Seeing these results, I’m still continuously drinking 2 capsules Rosy Peel every morning along with my other vitamins. It’s definitely easier to drink capsules than having to frequently apply creams or go to the derma for treatments. Not only do my skin benefit from Rosy Peel but also my body.
Here’s a video to show you in a capsule what Rosy Peel does.
I’m all for natural and I’m glad that Rosy Peel is now available to us. If you’ve done all you can to get a healthy looking skin and still not getting the results you want, you may want to try Rosy Peel. For Php22 a day, I think it’s worth a try. Besides, it’s safe for everyone to use even lactating moms like me!
Let me know when you do and show off that rosy white skin! :)
To know more, you can visit Rosy Peel Facebook page.

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