#TBTBeauty | My First Makeup Brush
Look what I just unearthed? It's my ever first makeup brush that I bought from The Body Shop. It's their Retractable Blusher Brush. It's synthetic and comes in a steel casing and it's in color green.
Walk down memory lane with see and check out why I bought this brush.
To be honest, I can't remember when I first got it but I'm sure I bought this at Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall when I first started my interest in makeup circa 2007. I remember it being too pricey and I could hardly afford it with my meager school allowance. But good quality brushes then was scarce. It was either that or buy the cheap ones that barely does the job and were very scratchy. At that time, I didn't know about online shopping or that there were makeup brushes available for sale on Multiply.com.
Oh yes. Unlike today we have fewer choices. At that time, I already knew the value of a good makeup tool. I was determined then to be serious in building my brush collection. And since eye makeup wasn't a priority to master at theat time, I concentrated on perfecting the base. when I saw this brush, I knew I getting a bang for my buck. It could pass as a powder brush, a counter as well as a blush brush. It being synthetic, I also knew I could use it for liquid or cream-based products. It didn't hurt that i could bring it everywhere with me, too. I knew it was worth sacrificing some of my savings.
And I was right! Despite the wear and tear that the casing has, the synthetic hairs are still intact up to now! There were and still no shedding and it's still very soft and dense that you'll only notice a slight blossom of the fibers. The retractable part is also very much intact. Not once did it came off.
When The Body Shop gave me the new version of their retractable blusher brush, it felt like coming full circle to the girl I was once and the woman I became now. Much have changes and yet so many of the things that are important remains intact in me. Like my love for beauty, my strength and my confidence.
I'm glad that The Body Shop only changed the color of the casing. Now that it comes in silver, I think there will be less or no chipping of paint at all. It being shinier also a gives a more luxurious feel. The fibers are still as soft and dense and still feels as sturdy as it's old counterpart.
Take a look at the comparison of the old and new Retractable Blusher Blush and see how gorgeous both are. :)
Old and New The Body Shop Retractable Blusher Brush
Old and New The Body Shop Retractable Blusher Brush
The New The Body Shop Retractable Blusher Brush
The New The Body Shop Retractable Blusher Brush
What about you? Do you still remember the first makeup brush you got for yourself? :)
Share them with and why did you purchase it. :)
Happy Throwback Thursday!

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