Product Review | Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion
With Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion (left) vs. Without (right) | no flash |
There's a new whitening product in town and it promises to whiten your skin in an INSTANT! What sorcery is this?
Vaseline recently launched their newest body lotion, Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion. There it is, the word "Instant Fair" captivating me. Is it real or is it just a marketing ploy? Well, like you, after seeing the commercial, I was a little bit hesitant with its claims. So I consider it a small good fortune that it's up on I immediately grabbed a sample to try before I actually purchased one.
And lo and behold, this product is for real. Instant fairness indeed!
Now, hold your horses, girls. It isn't magic or sorcery. Nor did Vaseline resorted to using harsh chemicals to instantly whiten the skin. Nope, they didn't.
Vaseline created a lotion that gives the skin a lighter appearance using micro-reflectors. What is this you ask? In its simplicity, a makeup for the body. A sort of luminizer that reflects light so that the skin appear lighter and even-toned. If you look at the swatch below, the color of the lotion is also not the regular white one, it's actually pink. Pink when applied to dull skin gives it a healthier glow.
Combine these two together (pink lotion and micro-reflectors) then you've got yourself a highlighting lotion for the body that immediately gives the skin fairer appearance. And that, my dear readers, causes the instant fairness of Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion.
But that doesn't stop there. As most Vaseline lotions, Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion also has long-term whitening effect with the presence of Vitamin B3, a safe whitening ingredient that's been proven to work with frequent use. And of course, it has triple sunscreen protection to allow us to enjoy the sun without sacrificing the health of our skin. That UVA and UVB protection for all of us.
I'm glad that Vaseline Healthy White Instant Fair Lotion is not all hype but delivers it's promise. Vaseline has accomplished something that is considered a difficult feat for many beauty brands. They managed to simplify instant whitening with just a few ingredients that are safe for our skin. No need to resort to harsh lotions, peeling oils and treatments just so we could get that fair skin we've always dreamed of. I love the concept of using micro-reflectors and saw the amazing results.
So I definitely urge you try this out and see the results for yourself. :)
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