She's Here! Meet My Daughter, Camilla Claudette.
Last May 11, 2014, at 12:54 in the morning, I gave birth to the loveliest little girl. She made me a mom on Mother's day! And I'm so excited for all of you to meet my pretty angelic daughter. :)
We named her Camilla Claudette. She's currently taking all of my time right now. This cute little bundle of joy has taken over our lives and we are just loving it! I can't believe that she came from me! She came out squeeling already that she scored 9 on her APGAR test. She's got this thick
set of black hair, pouty little lips and cute button nose... and oh her hands, they are just so dainty! Just as how I imagined her to be.
Currently more than a week old, we're happy to report that she's breastfeeding exclusively and adjusting to her life outside my womb. It's a good thing that I got a lot of sleep when I was pregnant because as expected, I have yet to get a full 8 hour sleep since Claud came home with us.
Life is changing pretty fast for us, probably because we took a lot of things too slow the past years... but seeing our only daughter, staring back at us (although we know she barely sees us), is a sight to behold. She's so amazing, I cry sometimes just looking at her because I can't believe how lucky I am to her mom.
But bringing her into this world was not easy at all...

The husband and I had a birth plan, normal delivery no matter what and experience the Unang Yakap Protocol. I wanted to be lucid when my baby arrives and feed her immediately from my breast with colostrum. Instead, God has other plans. I had to undergo cesarean section due to Arrested Cervical Dilation (my cervix failed to fully dilate to 10 cm at the normal amount of time) and that my baby wouldn't engage in my pelvis. I cried at the delivery room with how haywire things have turned out. I was in labor for more than 12 hours and refused epidural. All the things we initially thought we had to worry about, like my gestational hypertension and diabetes stabilized during the my labor. My blood pressure, sugar and even the baby's heart rate was doing well... we were doing well. My OB was even impressed with how well I was taking the pain of my contraction even when it was But things didn't progress the way it should. My husband and OB decided that a C-section would be the best course for both me and baby.
When they opened me up, they found out that not only there was a cord coil around my baby's neck but also around one of her legs. Had my cervix dilated fully, I would still have to go through C-section but this may have caused distressed to my baby which may lead to further complications.
Just looking at her right now, I can tell you that I can't even remember the pain I went through. I was so excited to see her and feed her that a day after my operation, I was already on my feet, visiting her at the nursery to have some alone time with her. And when she finally roomed in with us, I didn't even mind the pain of having to get up and feed her.
I know many women out there had it easy when it comes to giving birth. If there's a reason why we had to go through the labor and delivery that I did, I don't know. What I know for sure is that I'm at happiest right now, from the day I delivered her up to this moment and most definitely in days to come. It's true what they say, you'll never know what happiness and true sacrifice means until you become a mother. Because I would go through all the pain again, if that's the only way I could have my baby Claudette.
It's amazing how the most painful experience you'll ever know is also the happiest day in your life. :)

I would love to hear from you!