In Being a Smart Mom with SMART Money
SMART Money has paved way to make life easier for me. Since getting out of the hospital, I have yet to see a mall or a restaurant. Much less, run errands that I usually do. For about 3 months, I have been paying some of our bills via Smart Money. What the husband does is transfer money to my Smart Money or I send money through SMART Padala in one of the nearby Sari-sari store to load up my Smart Money Account. It's so easy and there are no lines to contend with.
Another thing that I like about Smart Money is that I can use it as a loadable credit card. I get to shop online for some things I need without having to leave the house.I also use it to buy apps and magazines for my iPad. I just love reading magazine while I breastfeed. I have already subscribed to InStyle. :) I have also used my Smart Money several times to pay for my purchases at the grocery and drugstore. Withdrawing cash is easy to since SMART money card acts similar as an ATM
When they told me how much time and effort it takes to care for a child, they weren't kidding. More so when you're exclusively breast feeding.
At this point, I know my life will never be the same. Staying up late now means changing diapers, feeding the baby and burping baby Claud. In the morning, I prepare for her bath after her morning sun bathing with her father. The whole day will consist of feeding her every 2 to 3 hours, playing with her and changing more diapers. And I really don't mind it at all. It does take getting use to it but every time I look at her, I wouldn't change anything for the world. 90% of my time is now devoted to her. I wouldn't want to go back to the way things were before. Probably not for the next 18 years. :)
So I have to be smart about the time that takes me away from my daughter. I have to do two to three things at a time. Multi-tasking will now be taken to the next level. Errands that use to take hours to complete should now be done in matter of minutes. Coz the oinly thing I really want to do right now is be with my only child. :)
Here are some tips I learned that helped me survived the first few weeks of motherhood. :)
1. Sleep when baby is asleep
Baby Claud falls asleep soon after feeding, so in 7 out of 10-12 feedings, I try to sleep as well. This is really doable. Given how tiring breastfeeding can be at certain times of the day (most specially at night), catching a few hours of snooze was pretty easy for me.
2. Do errands while baby is sleeping.
If I have a hard time falling asleep the same time as Baby Claud, that's when I do some other things that needs attending to. From taking a bath, to fixing her stuff and blogging. I try not to over exert myself during these times so I still have enough energy for caring for my child she wakes up.
3. Multi-task while breastfeeding.
I also answer e-mails via mobile, read books or magazines, take a bath, blog etc. while breastfeeding. But I only do this when Claud's half asleep and her eyes are closed. I try to maintain eye contact with her when she breastfeed to help strenthen our mother-daughter bond.
4. Apply for SMART Money or mobile banking account.
Since I can't leave the house to care for my newborn, having SMART Money allows me to do transactions via mobile like paying for my bills, purchasing online and using it as an overall debit card to pay for anything. It's convenient and hassle-free. And I don't have to handle cash at all, making it more sanitary for me and my baby.
5. Surround yourself with positive and supportive friends and family.
I really wouldn't know what to do without the support of our friends and family. Being a new mom can be tedious and daunting, especially if one is also breastfeeding. Everything your child needs, you have to provide and it can take a toll on you. I'm glad that people that surrounds us are very encouraging and helpful. I feel that I am becoming a better mom because of their support. :)
Learn more about SMART Money by visiting this site:

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