Getting Ready for Breastfeeding with Pigeon | My Just-In-Case Breastfeeding Essentials
Breast feeding is the most natural thing for us women to do.
When I learned I was having a baby, I promised myself that I will do my best do anything and everything for my child. Not the expensive baby things, but the really important ones. Like breastfeeding, time, energy and all the love that I could give.
So I started to read on breastfeeding and read incredible stories. Breastfeeding do not only benefit the baby but also the mother, too. Children who are breastfed have better protection from illnesses, they have better motor skills, advance brain development and so much more. For moms, studies show that women who breastfed has less chance of developing postpartum depression, loses weight easily and are less prone to certain types of cancer.
And how intimate breastfeeding is for a mother and child. Why wouldn't I want to take advantage of every chance I get to feel closer to my child?
But with all the good news and benefits of breastfeeding also comes the horror stories of failure to breastfeed. Thanks (sometimes no thanks) to some forums I've joined, I read bad breastfeeding experiences of moms that got me worried and admittedly, scared.
What if I don't produce enough milk? What if I don't learn latching immediately? How will I breast feed when my nipples are sore? What if I can't take the pain?
But I couldn't let those questions and doubts get to me. That's the time I started searching for products to aid me. A lot of my mom friends said that I wouldn't need them. That all I have to do is trust my instincts. And really that's what I'm doing now. I want to be ready for anything. So I started searching the internet for aids on breastfeeding. When I found them, I took advantage of the Baby Company Baby Fair last February to purchase some essential breastfeeding aids.
I call these things, the "Just in case Breastfeeding Essentials." Since breastfeeding is as natural as it could get, you may not necessarily need these things. When you and your baby learn the proper way of latching on, it's going to be so easy you won't have to worry about needing these things. But given the struggle of giving birth, and that you may prefer to stay at home for awhile with your baby, it would be great to have these things on hand... just in case.
a closer look | Nipple Shields |
Instructions on how to use Disposable Breast Pads |

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