2013 Highlights in Photos
My 2013 may not be as exciting as Miley Cyrus', nor did I top the charts like Beyonce just before it ended... but the past year was definitely a lot of fun! Almost every month, there were a lot of things happening and I can't fathom how lucky I am to have experienced it. Through this blog, I have done so many things, experienced new things and met awesome people. And there were some really incredible changes in my life just before it ended. Relive the moments with me by going through some of the pictures I've taken over the past 2013. :)
I've had the chance to travel to some really beautiful places in the Philippines. :)
Nivea Summer Blast in Puerto Prinsesa in Palawan
Live All Out during LaBoracay Weekend with my Smart Family!
more after the jump!
Live All Out in Baguio with my Smart Family and met 3 more fantastic people!
And on foreign ones!
Live reporting from Hong Kong for the One Woman Can Campaign of Mary Kay Asia Pacific!
Joining a Summer Campaign for Vaseline. Best part of this is that I got to spend it with my BFF's!
On a more personal note, 2013 was also fulfilling. :)
Learned that being domestic isn't that boring after all. I learned to love cooking! :)
Checked off two big ones on my bucket list by going to a foreign country alone and visiting Dineyland!
Spent more quality time with my future husband...
Spent more time with my family and relatives
Enjoyed memorable moments with friends, from events to spontaneous get togethers.
On learning and re-learning a few things...
Still and always will be loving the power of makeup!
Loving eating by myself. :) especially when I carbo-load. :)
Discovering yummy affordable desserts.
Experiencing the power of LTE and loving it!
Being more confident with my body.. :)
Falling in love with deep dark lippies. :)
Discovering something that really works!
Eating more veggies!
Enjoying the benefits of vegetable juicing.
Loving wrapped food! :)
Rediscovering old favorites
discovering new ones
Discovered the joy of sampling!
Learning to relax more...
Enjoying making fun of myself. :)
Happily accessorizing!
Mutiple counts of hair color and style changes!
Meeting old and new acquaintances that became friends!
On learning new things!
The art of instant photos!
Learning Caligraphy from the Inkscribbler
Nailart designing by Beauty and Sparkle.
And lastly, falling for the speed of Smart LTE using Apple devices!
But the most important things that happened this year is that my life has taken a huge turn... I will not be just Shen, the makeup addict. I added the role of mother and fiance in the mix. :)
My life isn't perfect but focusing on the good things certainly make it seem so. :)
I hope that whatever you're going through the past year, that you be able to focus on the blessings you've received. :) After all, without pain, we won't recognize joy. :)
Have a great 2nd day of the year! :)

I would love to hear from you!