You say it, Marley! | On Love and The Perfect Man
I don’t know where it came from but we don’t really need the
perfect man.
C’mon, it’s not like we’re perfect ourselves! We take too
long to do our makeup, we always think we’re fat… and ALWAYS, we complain we have nothing to wear.
Our men to put up with our incessant chatter about our
friends they haven’t met yet. They wait til we get to tweet and take instagram
photos of our meal before they can dig in. They drive us to work and pick us up
even if it’s twice far from where he needs to go. Chooses to put up to with chick playlist that his "cool music".
And worst of all, we had to subject them to Before Sunrise and
Before Sunset AGAIN before watching Before Midnight. #LOL
It's not like we're settling. Not. At. All. But seeing the perfection in all the imperfections seem rather ideal than the other way around. :)
Mood: Feeling Lucky
Thanks to whoever made this design! Let me know if it's you so I can properly credit! (Grabbed from

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