#SmartJumpIn Dance Off Grand Finals
I do love to dance and I do love seeing talented dancers struts their stuff on the dance floor! It was a love that I never got to explore. And seeing the finalists for the Smart Jump In Dance Off made me regret that I did miss a lot during my youth. But also at the same time, I do believe that it is never too late to pursue something you love to. Never too late to jump in!
So, I invite all of you to check out the Grand Finals of this phenomenal event that showcases the incredible talents of our youth today. Support your schools! See the finalist dance their way in becoming the grand winner of Smart Jump In Dance Off, win 4 MILLION in prizes, give pride to their alma mater and a chance to become a SMART Ambassador!
You got the watch the video! Made me miss my high school and college days so much!
See you at the Grand Finals at Smart Araneta Coliseum on July 20, 2013, 4PM!
Tickets available at the venue!
BUT if you wanna score FREE TICKETS to this amazing event, Follow @SMARTPromos over at Twitter!
Visit www.smartjumpin.com!

I would love to hear from you!