One Woman Can | An Inspiring Event
There's nothing that fills my heart more than seeing women do what they can to improve their lives. Even if this blog talks about beauty all the time, I always try to encourage you to be confident and to love who you are. Find empowerment where ever you can.
A few weeks ago, I learned of Mary Kay Philippines's Search for One Woman Can. Where in regular women can join and share what they can do as woman. Mary Kay has always been an advocate of empowering women. She, who lived in a time where women where over looked for promotion or better opportunities. A male-dominated world who refuse to recognize her potential. Right then and there, she upped and quit her sales job to create a business that would help change many women's lives. I wonder if she knew what an impact she'd make when she started her company 50 years ago. That it will blossom into a successful career that celebrates women and their excellence.
I'm sure Mary Kay reminds you of someone in your family. She reminds me of my mom. Determined, poised and totally cut above the rest. One who won't accept no for an answer.
When I was approached to judge for the One Woman Can Search for the Philippine representative, I was sincerely honored. I am not sure why I became a part of it. I can only hope that they saw how I empower women with confidence and beauty same as they do. And that I celebrate being a Filipina in every way I can.
Stepping into their glammed up runway and sitting on the judges table, the energy was infectious. I have never seen so many women with genuine smile on their faces, their movement sways with a lot of confidence. Their pats on each other's backs were sincere and the laughter was inviting. If one woman, Mary Kay. can do these... imagine what ALL of us can do!
One Woman Can is a culmination of Mary Kay's 50 years of empowering women, not only through her products but through opportunities she provides them. Joining was easy, too! Get a makeover from one of their beauty consultant and complete the phrase, One Woman Can.. and send in your entries.
I'm not sure if I remember it correctly but they received a few thousands of entries for this and dwindling it down to the final 10 was a feat for Mary Kay Philippines. And to choose one, I was only to happy to help!
On bright and sunshiny Saturday, I went to the Mary Kay office to help choose 3 finalist to represent our country at the Asia-Pacific Grand Finale of One Woman Can, 50 years of Mary Kay. Winner of will become a Mary Kay cover girl and other
It was not an easy task as many of the contestant really impressed us judges. I can only be grateful that I was a part of this truly inspiring event. I'm not sure if I was the only one but I did feel proud seeing the ladies walk the runway, shared their One Woman Can phrases and their true beauty stories. It showed that despite us having our own truths and having gone through different trials in our lives, we want one thing... to find our true beauty!
And the winners are Deneice Cornejo of Antipolo, Fatima Saquilabon of Koronal City and Arianne Buenviaje of Davao City. Congratulations, ladies! I just know you'll make us all proud in Hong Kong!
What to know more about them, visit the the Mary Kay Philippines website!
I love that it's even One Woman Can! The phrase beautifully says that just by being a woman, we can do anything!
What about you? How would complete the One Woman Can phrase?
Join me as I share more about the One Woman Can journey. I will be joining them in Hong Kong and share with you the event!

I would love to hear from you!