Beauty Diary: Fortune Told, Dream Collected and Meaner Greens
Today was a hectic day. I had an early client meeting with a real estate company and then I had to rush to an event and talk shop with one of the brand heads. #careermodeon
But I was sure glad to have spent an hour chatting with some of my favorite beauty and fashion editors. I always get to learn a lot of things from them. :)
Then, I had to rush a few reports (my fault) and a proposal my client was requesting. And come end of business, I received a client call and had to entertain it with my colleague. But that's all in a day's work. I may have anticipated the moment i stepped out of work but I was happy for a fruitful day that I taught me a lot of things.
What happened in between, was what's making me smile....
I can't wait to see this film.
The reason why I anticipated the end of working hours was the fact that I was to visit
S&R to stock up on some of my juicing supplies. Thanks to Jheng who got me interested in juicing on my own. And to my dad who lend me the family juicer.
As you all know, I'm not a veggie-eater. But as you can see from photo above, i have mean greens up there. That's because I can take the taste of veggie's when it's juiced. Thanks to the apple that cuts the bitter taste that leafy veg have. Just so we're clear, I'm not juicing to lose weight. I just want to have enough nutrition in my body for my crazy wacked daily sched.
- 2 inches of Ginger (the spicy taste helps cut the taste of the greens)
- 2 handful of Malunggay leaves
- 1 handful of Broccoli
- 1 handful of Romaine lettuce
- 5 stalks of celery
- 2 green apples
- 1 lemon
- 1 slice of pineapple
- 1 cup of coconut water
After coming from a bad weekend of fever that included sore throat and cough, I swore that I will try to eat/drink more fruits and veggies. Here's to hoping that I make it through and make this a permanent part of life. The only trouble I encounter with juicing is how limited the veggies available here are. And often times, they are not the best quality.
Another thing that is making me look forward to tonight is the fact that I get to take home with me the new Maybelline Dream Collection. Maybelline has recently launched a line of new liquid mousse foundations and bouncy mousse blushes. All of which I can say looks positively great on Pinay skin, oily and dry skin alike.
Given that we are a powder and lipstick country, as mentioned by Maybelline Chief Makeup Artist, Archibald Tolentino, they are hoping that this new collection will encourage a lot of Filipinas to try more than the usual. If you're wondering what happened at the launched, check out #MaybellineDream on your twitter. They've got fantastic photos there.
I also got to spend time chatting with Jim Ryan Ros and Chuchie Ledesma. Jim is one of Maybellines makeup artist and he does training nationwide. If you're impressed with Maybellines BA in your city, that's probably because Jim and Archie works hard to train these girls to give you the best that Maybelline has to offer.
Chuchie's been a friend for many years, too. I first met her when got me to write beauty articles for Zen Health. She then started to pursue makeup artistry which I think is the right path given her dedication, talent and passion. She's amazing, I tell you. Fun and chica, too!
Another interesting that happened to me during the Maybelline Dream Launch event is that I got my fortune told by a Tarot Reader! How cool is that. :)
Tomorow's another hectic day and I'm really not looking forward to it. But it's Friday so I gotta give it that. I'm also eager for Saturday to come coz I'll be seeing my BBFF, Jheng, again! I wonder what crazy things we're going to do this weekend. #LOL

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