8 Tweet Tips This School Year | #SMARTFreeToTweet
Happy new school year!
I wish we had Twitter when we were young. I'd probably be tweeting how excited I am for a new school year and how much I love the scent of plastic cellophane while covering and protecting my textbooks. Not to mention that I'd probably be twitpic-ing fun new notebooks available at National Bookstore. Or that I sneaked in a pocketbook of Sweet Valley in our shopping cart.
Instead we had to go all-Scrouge on our loads and reserve them only to our parents and our crush! And if you have several crushes, you're doomed like I was. #LOL
But you, you lucky you! You even get to tweet for free now! Smart just rolled out a super fun promo for all y'all twitterzen!! You get to tweet 24/7 from June 1 to July 31, 2013! All you have to do is text TWITTER to 211 and it's tweet-all-can!
Yup, if you're on SMART you get to tweet for free! Want to know more? Visit www.smart.com.ph/freetwitter fore more details!
Happy Back to School!

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