The Wand Review: Fairydrops Platinum Mascara
You gotta give it to our Japanese sisters to create amazing mascaras! One of which is my current favorite, the Fairydrops Platinum Mascara (P1,195 at Beauty Bar). It's got one of the most interesting wands I've seen that warrants The Wand Review. Instead of the usual straight-up wand bristles, the Fairydrops Mascara got a curvaceous one. Almost bulbous if you asked me. It's so unique that you know that it will work in giving that long luscious lashes you want.
The Wand
The curved bristles catches each lashes and distributes the unique formulation to coat your lashes evenly without so much of an effort. You hardly need to do the zigzag motion as the wand does it for you. The almost-spherical tip allows you to coat hard to reach inner and outer corner lashes without the worry of poking your eyes. Fairydrops Mascara is a good newbie user of mascara as it's practically like a training "bra" for your lashes but gives you a grown-up looking ones. You just have to place your lashes part by part in between the curves and swipe away.
The Formula
The Downside
I was really looking for a downside about this mascara but I just can't find any! No wonder almost all beauty blogger and vloggers rave about Fairydrops.
A quick story about Fairydrops. It's founded by Aya Yasuda, aformer Fox News anchorwoman who found her eyes not registering well on cameras compared to her fellow Caucasian co-workers. Their long lashes gave intensity and brightness to their eyes. Aya decided to experiment with cosmetics and saw that mascaras might just be an answer. But she wasn't satisfied with what she was buying. Soon she found herself cutting and shaping mascara wands, experimenting which ones will provide her great looking lashes. And she did!
Thankful she didn't keep to herself, Aya decided to share this wonder mascara to all women, moved to Japan and created her own cosmetic company in order to produce more and called it the Fairydrops Mascara. Now we get to enjoy it ourselves.
I quite understand how Aya felt with her eyes. Mine are too droopy and even when my eyes shows how happy I am, the droopiness of my lids tend to weigh it down and make me look older, sadder. It's hard to imagine how I use to dislike mascaras. Now it's practically a must-have.. with Fairydrops Mascara, it's closely becoming a top priority.

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