Vichy DermaBlend Fluid Corrective Foundation Review, Swatches, Before and After photos - Shen's Addiction

Vichy DermaBlend Fluid Corrective Foundation Review, Swatches, Before and After photos

Having been a victim of breakouts (thanks to my love of spicy food and egg-which I'm allergic to), I had to stop all my current skincare that's been doing their job well in exchange for some Dermatologist prescribed medication along with some treatments. My breakouts as you can see in the photos reminds you of the moon or a geeky girl ridden with pubescent acne. Not a nice sight. Believe me it was worst a few days ago.

Although I have a love many of my foundation collection like my Clinique DermaWhite, VMV Skin Savvy and Snoe's HyperFunction foundation, my face needed something more effective. Having paid off my credit debt a few weeks a go, I figured that buying myself the Vichy DermaBlend wouldn't be so bad. Considering that Digital Traincase had a 20% off on all her products.

I know, Php1350 minus the 20% still isn't cheap with only 30ml per tube. But hear me out, or read further and take a look at the photos.

As you can see, it covers up my blemishes really well. I only used a retouching powder (from Bobbi Brown) similar to a setting powder. So it's all Vichy Dermablend right there, covering up my blemishes and dark spots.

But was it easy to use? Looking at the swatch below, Vichy Dermablend will remind you like a cross between liquid foundation and concealer, at least for me it does. Using only my fingers, I was able to spread evenly all over my face and still cover my problem areas.

What to love about Vichy DermaBlend Fluid Corrective Foundation with SPF 35 in Nude?

  • Nude shade (second from the lightest) matches my skin well (I'm NC30 or medium fair)
  • Has buildable coverage (starts at medium to high coverage)
  • Light consistency is great for troubled and recovering skin (especially for acne and redness or peeling)
  • Dries into a matte finish
  • Covers up blemishes well
  • Stay on for hours with light retouching
  • Great for those with oily skin
  • Won't aggravate your acne

What not to love?
  • Limited shades
  • A bit expensive at Php1,350 per 30ml tube.

Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation is fast becoming my favorite foundation. It addresses all my skin care concerns and it lessens the products I need to apply. I don't have to use a concelear, SOF and primer since this does the jobs of all those three. It's amazing and it blends easily even on my peeling skin.

Having perfect skin is always an ordeal for me. But thank God for little blessings like this magical collaboration of Vichy and Dermablend to create the right foundation to help me get through with all the difficulties of troubled skin. It's not everyday you stumble across a great product and this might be exactly it.

You can get Vichy Dermablend at Digital Traincase or have your relatives from the UK get you some as I think it cost around £15.00

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  1. Lanie Pregoner25/2/13 7:26 AM

    I'm amazed by the coverage it does! Too bad it's to pricey but it's really worth it for the product is really great.

  2. I'm having a pimple breakout too. :( I love how this product gives a flawless pimple free look. Unfortunately, I'm just a student and I can't afford to have one. Thanks for the review! :)

  3. hi there Shen!

    I like the coverage this foundation gives you... but is this 1,300 or 13,500? :) just a minor correction, as I saw this:

    "What not to love?

    Limited shades

    A bit expensive at Php13,500 per 30ml tube."


  4. kathrine orbe25/2/13 6:38 PM

    You are not alone ms. shen! Having super sensitive skin, skin irritations are not new to me. Still on the look out for products that will suit my skin. Thank you for this review, will check it out!

  5. Wow! This product did a great job on your skin. Love the coverage.


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