Happy to be alive!
I'm officially 29! I'm getting older and hopefully, a lot wiser. I'm not the same girl I used to be four years ago when I started blogging, I learned so much about this world and I'm lucky to have found solace in it and gained friends along the way. My life has changed 360 because of blogging, talking about my love for cosmetics and beauty. What once was just a place to hide away now became my world.
I feel like Alice in Wonderland, Stayed there forever because it's the place where she truly belongs...
I never thought that I could be really chasing my dreams.... not until the moment I chose to slow down and look at my life. I am doing what I love, I am doing what makes me truly happy. It may not be the best choice for everyone, but it is my life to live. Sometimes, to be happy you have to make sacrifices... and if you're doing it right, It doesn't even feel like it's a sacrifice at all.
What makes a truly happy birthday? It's thankful for being alive, for having a chance to chase down your dreams and live it. :) Life may often present a challenge but it's always going to be alright. :)
And on that note, I encourage you to join my blog giveaway! :) It's for the longtime reader of this blog as well as the newbies who wish to start building their dreams.
Join via this link. :)
Good luck and of course, thank you all so much for supporting
Shen's Addiction Beauty Blog, where self-confidence is a must! :)

I would love to hear from you!