Beat the Holiday Stress | Be Positive!
Why stress over getting ready for Christmas? Why bitch about the traffic, going to and fro parties, events and errands? Don't you agree that the more we stress over things the more we tend to look less our best?
Let's admit that makeup and skincare can only do much. How can highlighters highlight our face when all we do is frown when we see the traffic? How can foundation concealer conceal our fine lines when irritation is obvious as we see the number of people inside the place we tend to shop?
No matter how good your face looks with makeup, if you feel good inside.. it doesn't matter.
Christmas is all about giving, spending precious time with your loved ones and celebrating Jesus' birthday!!
just imagine a frown here. not good, right? |
Since many of us tend to do things at the last minute let me share a few things that I do whenever I'm dealing with the Holiday Rush.
Quick tips:
Take a deep breathe (about 5 of it): Breathing have a way of clearing the head especially during a bad traffic or a long line at the cashier. This trick never fails to calm me down and keep the frown upside down!
Keep Busy: Your favorite mobile game can keep you distracted. The goal is to beat your the highest score! Don't like games, how about books? Always keep a good book whenever you know you'll be dealing with a lot of waiting. Not the bookworm? Try chatting up the person beside you. Ask about what their getting and if its good. :) Holidays tend to make people friendlier. You can keep each other busy while waiting in line.
Make A List: Since mobile phones are now equipped with apps that make life easier, make a list of the things you need. So at your idle time make a list of people you need to give gifts to. Start with family, friends, officemates, VIP's, Semi-VIP's and then your godchildrens (they are last on the list because it's easy to just give them money nowadays! hehehe!)
Choose Your Shopping Partner or Shop Alone: Shopping Partners make all difference! Shopping with the best person will make it easier. As for me, I shop alone. I don't like being rushed (ironic because I'm already in a rush at this point! hahaha!) but knowing that I don't have to wait for anyone eases the stress. If it can't be helped, divide and conquer! Make it a game of who gets to finish first. :)
Make a killer playlist! I can't imagine the number of traffic I've gone through for the past months. And it just keeps getting worst. What I do is that I have 3 playlists: An oldschool mix (all hiphop and stuff), a Karaoke mix (for practicing during Karaoke nights) and a new pop playlists (all the new cool songs playing at present). I try to avoid emo songs although Adele is a big exception. :) Hehehe! Having music keeps me distracted as i sing along to my favorite songs.
Keep snacks in your bag: You never know when hunger and thirst will strike! You don't want to segway to the food court or restaurant when shopping. And nothing puts a damper to shopping when the stomache is growling! Keeping biscuits, choclates or your fave thing to munch on will definitely keep your hands off of the grocery stuff you're buying. :)
Six more days til Christmas, I'm showering you all with positive vibes and hope that we all go through with the Holiday rush sane and looking fabulous! :)
It's a time for celebration and all of these trouble we went through will be so worth it!! :)
Happiness and love to everyone!

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you look so beautiful miss Shen! Thanks for your tips and Happy Holidays!
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