Another Year. Thank You's. New Baby. More Memories. - Shen's Addiction

Another Year. Thank You's. New Baby. More Memories.

I'm 27 today! How time flies, right? I can't believe all the blessings I've received for the past year. Year 26 for me was so much fun... I got a chance to work for a renowned fashion magazine, went to Boracay with friends, spent end of the year at Tagaytay, ate too much food that I gained too much, lost weight through natural process, got a chance to earn from blogging, met new friends, learned how to drive, bought a car, got invited to Cosmopolitan Bachelor bash and to other exciting events, spent time at Anvaya with blogger darlings, met fabulous people, won Promod fashion challenge and so so much more!!

I can't believe that with blogging and doing what I love to do I gathered so many memories, experience so many things, tried all sorts of products and what's best met so many friends. To make a photo montage would take too long... just looking through my blog, I can't help not crying and seeing how much I have grown in this happiness of mine.

To say I'm blessed... well, it's an understatement. Thank you, everyone, for supporting me and continuously reading this blog... Thank you to all my friends who loves me and also reads this blog... Thank you for those friends who stayed with me through thick or thin for accepting me for who I am. Noisy, talkative, crass and all... Thank you! Thank you! And of course, thanks mom for this freedom and teaching me how to be independent. Thank you the BF for being patiently loving me...and for helping me buy this gift... my newest baby... my newest gadget.

The BF and I decided that I needed to upgrade my Nikon D40 to a DSLR that fits my personality.. :) Nikon D5000 is exactly that.. small, lightweight, with HD Video, swivel screen for vain shots, vibration reduction, fisheye setting and other things jammed into this cute nifty cam.

But most of all.... Thank you, God!!!
With YOU, I am experiencing all of these things and every moment is magical.
Your will be done, My Lord.

much much love,

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  1. aw happy belated (time zone differences) birthday :)

  2. Happy Birthday Shen!
    inggit naman ako sa new dslr mo.. :D

    Have a good birthday! :)

  3. happy birthday! such an exciting year it was for you and may this year be just as amazing : ) i look forward to reading about it and seeing the pics you take with that lovely camera!

  4. happy birthday shen!!more than material wealth i know a lot more blessings and love will pour this year for you..

  5. Happy birthday Shen. I'm happy to have found your blog because I enjoy every blog you post. That's a nice camera. More power to you and your page. God bless you. ^_^

  6. saw this baby of yours! Happy Birthday Shenster!!!!! :)

  7. happy birthday shen! God bless you!

  8. Keep writing! i love reading your blog entries :D

  9. happy birthday shen! all the best! =)

  10. happy bday shen and congrats on your new cam!

  11. Happy Birthday Shen shen! Love ko cam mo :) Wish you all the best

  12. happy bday to u sweety!!
    i wish for u good health & more blessing & happiness in life... xoxo

  13. Happy birthday, babe! Stay beautiful :) And that's a wicked camera you got there!

  14. Happy birthday, Ms. Shen! ^__^

    More shots, este, birthdays to come!!! ^__^

  15. Happy Birthday Ms. Shen! May you have more to come! ;)

  16. Happy birthday Shen! I enjoy reading your blog! More blessings to come! :D

  17. happy birthday!

    the camera looks amazing :D

  18. awesome post!! Not my will but your will be done Lord!



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