Happy Weekend with I Do Nails Home Service - Shen's Addiction

Happy Weekend with I Do Nails Home Service

Happy weekend, Ladies and Gents!

Secretly, I've been dreaming of something like this. A nail spa home service that I can call whenever I'm bummed at home and my nails needing some pampering. When I got contacted to do try this nail spa home service, I immediately said yes! It was just what I'm looking for. I have a night out with the girls that night and I needed my nails spic and span. But it was a Saturday, I know that dealing with the parking at the malls would be difficult and most nail spa would probably full. But I was also making an excuse not to go out since I know that I still have to return home, park and leave again again. It was just too tiring, don't you agree?

I Do Nails nail techs, Remy and Jen, arrived about 10 minutes early. They readily set up their stuff contained in a huge suitcase. Jen unfolded the big lounge chair. I didn't really expect such lavish set-up. Remy took out the things they will be using carefully. I was excited as it is but I got more excited when I saw it all laid out.. I was like, Wow.

My small room turned instantly into a pampering spot.

Products used are high-end nail polishes like O.P.I. and Esse

Nail polish swatches


Ready with the remote because I can watch my shows while getting mani/pedi and hand and foot spa!!

I was shown the brochure and was asked the service that I wanted. They had several good packages and single services. But since it was weekend, I decided to get Happy Weekend Package.

Happy Weekend Package consists of
I Do Nails Manicure + I Do Nails Pedicure +foot spa + nail spa

Prior to the actual services, a neck/head rest was fitted on me to make me comfortable. I was also given cold eye mask that looked like over sized plastic cucumber. Boy, was that refreshing! But of course, for the purpose of this review, I had to cut that short.

Jingle, my companion at home, was nice enough to take a picture of me with the eye mask on.

Jen took care of the foot spa and pedicure. The foot spa consisted of a good bubbly soak, scrubbing of OPI Srub (I chose the scrub with a berry scent) and a minty leg mask. Then my legs and feet massage that almost made me dose off. I just love getting massages. Then, it was on to pedicure.

My hand spa, I really took seriously, since I know how hardworking these are. Treatment started with a soak, then some lovin' scrubbin from arm to hand and then the oh-so-good massage. Really, I wanted them to stay at home forever.

Below you'll find a few photos I was able to take while treatment was being done on me.

All I Do Nails are TESDA Qualified. Remy and Jen underwent good training and it shows because my nails look splendid afterward.

I rate everything A+. From how neat and clean everything they used, the tools, the brands, the service in itself and the courteous nail techs. Most of all, I was happy I didn't have to deal with traffic, parking and waiting. I had my laptop, TV, mydogs and own magazine to keep me a lot more relaxed. Best of all, I got to sleep immediately after they left. A nice end to the wonderful tow hours of pampering. :)

these are the nail polishes I chose for my hand and feet.

Thank Remy and Jen for the wonderful relaxing afternoon.

Here is the beautiful Monica who personally picked up her girls.
Such a great girl who has a good head for business. :)

I am definitely going to book another session the coming week and maybe I could ask my friends to join me so we can do Sex and The City TV marathon while getting our nails done.
Gotta ready the wine, too!

check out www.idonailshomeservice.multiply.com
see what service will interest and if your area is covered.

Make your weekend and nails happy with I Do Nails Home Service! :)

much love,

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  1. wow! you had a very relaxing weekend!:)


  2. wow, amazing how all those fit into their suitcase!! nice nails Shen, they did a very good job of pampering you!

  3. wow!! very relaxing weekend!! awww... i spotted a green plastic drawer of urs.. LOL!! I also have that one.. thats where I place my polishes...and I need another one LOL!!
    ohh I love Bogota blackberry its my fave polish from all my OPI polish...
    have a great weekend sweety!!

  4. thanks for the review!! i love mani?pedis and have never tried any home services :D will def try them out soon :D


  5. Hi Shen,

    Wow you look very sexy.. Inggit! Happy weekend!

    Lots of love,

  6. OMG! i so wanna do this!!! thanks for posting shen! btw. i'm back to blogging! (i think)


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