Smart Decision with the Smart Fiber, Dulcofiber - Shen's Addiction

Smart Decision with the Smart Fiber, Dulcofiber


Having a healthier and more active lifestyle couldn't be harder for a woman of today's day and age when everything is practically instant. From the food we eat and the gadgets we own, it seems that we don't work for ourselves anymore but rather just enough to get by through the day. Oh how I wish sometimes that I could experience the olden days when women stayed at home. Wouldn't it be much simpler? But then I realize the freedom that women now have. The freedom of independence to choose whatever they want in terms of career, love and lifestyle. It seems that despite the hectic schedule, there is more to this life that to what I compare it with.

Balance is the key, which is why I chose not limit myself any longer and change how I live gradually. I took on the mission of a better lifestyle change. And it began with my health. Only last month I started the journey is making myself healthier with the food that I eat and the activities that I do. I began reducing the negative things in myself that hinders me from achieving my dreams. It hasn't been easy but it is definitely rewarding because I could feel the subtle changes already.

One of the major steps I took was to change my eating habits and drinking supplements that will aid in my digestive systems. Having had less to no interaction with vegetables in my 26 years, I had a hard time adjusting to my now full of fiber diet. I'm glad though that I got introduced to Dulcofiber, it's one of the latest addition in the Dulcolax family.

If anybody here who lived like I did for the past years, would know how difficult the digestive system can become, it being so overworked by the unnecessary things I ate. I remember drinking Dulcolax before just to feel better in the morning.

Now, I hardly need to do that because Dulcofiber aids my digestive system even before it gets weak from my non-stop food binge-ing. It’s a dietary supplement that contains Glucomannan, a "smart" fiber that helps keep the bowel movement regular while it leaves that essential nutrients that our body needs. Since my body is just getting used to the vegetables that I'm eating now, I'm glad that Dulcofiber is there to help my tummy adjust with all the changes. I feel so much better every morning and I don't feel weak or dehydrated from it.

The great thing about Dulcofiber is that it taste so good, I don't mind drinking it everyday. For me, it's a great addition to my morning habits. After breakfast, I would drink Dulcofiber mixed in one glass of still water and I know I will have a fabulous day ahead.

For the past few days, Dulcofiber has encouraged me to drink more water. Since all fiber supplements requires a lot of water in the body to provide a smooth flow of system, I am more conscious now of drinking that eight glasses of water everyday and sometimes, even more. That simple change made a big impact in what I'm doing to be a healthier person.

Change is inevitable; this is what keeps us human going for hundreds of years. But it is hard to change, we all know that. That is why I think Dulcofiber is just one of the best steps in aiding anyone to get on with that lifestyle change. A little change could break the dam of monotonous unhealthy lifestyle. Mine had to be a drastic one, but it shouldn’t be the same for everyone. It could be slow and easy but still meet the same results. The important thing is we all do this change.

We just have to make the first smart decision and the rest is, as we all say, history.

Make that smart choice now.

Me, I made three smart choices for the past three weeks… eat healthy, work out and drink Dulcofiber everyday.

What will be yours?

Much love,

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  1. wow... i am into dieting din kasi tumataba na ako.. this post is so helpful i will buy one too shen.. excited ako godbless

  2. Hi ms shen,May I please know where can I buy this? Thank you

  3. hi shen, where is this available? and basd from your experience, does it have a super laxative effect? how much?

  4. very informative post shen! how much is this btw?

  5. Hi girls

    Feel free to check the site:

    Also you can get Dulcofiber at Mercury Drug or Watsons.



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