Haul: NYX Round Lippies from Digital Traincase + Swatches - Shen's Addiction

Haul: NYX Round Lippies from Digital Traincase + Swatches

There is just nothing too much when it comes to lipsticks!!

So, when a beauty enthusiast and blogger turned cosmetic seller, Lelila, brought NYX to the Philippines with an affordable price tag, the addict in me couldn't resist. I ordered a few lippies from her that I wasn't able to from my Cherry Culture ultra mega haul.

And boy did I miss a lot of really pretty colors!

Paris, Fig, Spellbound, Lousiana, Eros

The thing about NYX lippies is that it's sooo darn affordable, you can't help but haul. Unfortunately, staying power is not all that good and many considers the consistency too thin for their taste. But like everything else in life, we make do with what is handed to us (given our budget) and maximize it to the fullest. The beauty of being a beauty enthusiast is actually finding a diamond among the things that we thought won't work. But only those who are patient can accomplish such feat.

Personally, I don't find anything wrong with NYX Round Lippies. I love them to bits. With some lip liner and a lip brush, NYX Lippies can rival the big brands out there with fraction of its cost. Wouldn't you just love that? Once I've primed my lips with a lip liner and brush on the NYX Round Lipstick on my puckers, staying power is pretty decent.

This haul is definitely a haul I don't regret doing. I love love love each and every single color. It's like I got a color for each day of the work week. :D Snow white definitely goes on casual Friday look. :)

here are some quick lip swatches:

colors may appear lighter due to flash

Excuse the uneven application. :)

Author's note:
Paris - Reminds me of Denise Laurel's lippie on the Sunsilk commercial with Sarah Geronimo and Anne Curtis' lippie on her new ad for Folded and Hung
Fig - This goes well for really really smokey look. I love the muteness of the pink and yet its still striking.
Spellbound - I could use this everyday of the week. But I'm scared the other lippies might get jealous. It's just a fab pink lippies that is safe for work and play.
Louisina - Reminds me of Schiap and a MAC Hello Kitty lippie. It's a bright pink lipstick that takes a certain amount of confidence to wear. But definitely, anyone can pull this off. If I can. you can!
Eros - This interpretation of the god of love in a tube of lipstick is exactly apt. I love the bright red.. like love emanating in splendor. This is such a good lippie for going outside the box, something we all should do sometimes.

There you have it. :)

Til next haul/review post...

much love,

You can get these at www.digitaltraincase.multiply.com. Lelila is one fast shipper, accommodating seller and great blogger friends. You won't have problems with her. :) She's very nice and patient. Given that she has a day job, I admire that she replies to my text as soon as she can.

Digital Traincase also has a facebook. Just click here.

Shen's Addiction Anniversary Contest will soon end! Don't get left behind. You might win some cool prizes. Click here to join!!

L'oreal Men Expert Eye Am Cool Contest is ending on April 15th! Join now before I start to raffle of wonderful prizes from L'oreal!! It's so easy. Intructions are located here.

Manila Beauty Blog is my baby blog for everything new and happening. With this I am celebrating it with a mini contest. Visit ManilaBeautyBlog and click to join here.

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  1. I love NYX round lipstick and I love everything you purchased, all the shades are worth drooling for :) I am liking Paris, Spellbound and Fig

  2. hi shen, thanks for the review!

    and congrats to your new blog!

  3. I love you, Shen! I'm thinking of buying new lipsticks, and I wanted something not so expensive, and whoala, I saw your post! My next problem is, I want all the shades you swatched! Yay! =P

  4. My NYX lippie fave is Louisiana, next is Fig =) All colors look lovely on you..

  5. I love the swatches! When I saw you the other night at MAC, what lipstick were you wearing? hehe it looks so pretty on you :)

  6. Thanks for this post, Ms. Shen! I have been wanting to try NYX products but I don't know where to get them (I mean, in multiply... ehehehe...). I also wanted to buy Sigma brushes but I saw the Kirkland brush set in this site... ^__^

    I have also checked out the other site you also posted (http://houseofflair.multiply.com/)...

    I hope you can share more sites like these! ^__^

    Take care and more power! ^__^

  7. Ms. lelila is the BEST! :P

    Wahhh thank you for swatching ms. Shen! :D youre so nice hihi

  8. fab site you have in here!

    for those who want to try out alternative multiply sites, you can try out my dear friend's litle space in multiply - http://carefreeshopper.multiply.com! she got nyx to hoard for! lol!

  9. I'm torn between Spellbound and Louisiana. =)

  10. WOW these colors are stunning!


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