Lancome Genefique Launch: Youth is in your Genes. Reactivate it! + a little bb fashion

After 10 years of research, finally, a serum that will bring back the youth in you drop by drop.
Lancome Genefique
revive genes’ activity and stimulate the production of youth proteins
Now available in Lancome Boutique, Greenbelt 5.

Elaine, Nikki and Emily of Lancome

bambi and friend


Blogger love!
Elaine, Nikki, Jane, Jen, Ria

Ms. K Dy of Lancome

more blogger blove!
Nikki, Hershey, me and Elaine

Elaine of Shatzmania with her prizes

Ihad to take snap of her cute LV yellow bag. :)

Ms. Carrie Co of Lancome

Ms. Carrie indulged me to take a pic with her with the supersize Genifique

Phoebe, the swiper, in a beautiful black top, acid wash jeans and black and red pumps.

my lipstick army...
These girls are wearing gorjuz lippies that is just too covetable!

last shot before dinner.. :)
Ok, time for bed and for some youth reactivation... :) giddy shen!
much love,
I would love to hear from you!