Front Cover Rainbow Eyes Winter 08/09 (Gift from Gracie!!)
I know you're going to say.... "What? Another gift?!"
Yes! An early Christmas Gift! I could feel the snow(lol!) already!
Yes, I got another present from dear dear blogger-slash-chic-Pinay friend, Gracie!
don't you just love getting packages? i know i do!
Merry Christmas!! :)
and it came with a card! sweet sweet touch!
Le Gift!
Big big nearly Stila size pans. :)
The shadowline (liquid liner) reminds me of my transforming potion from Urban Decay.
The brushes are surprisingly soft (i didn't notice one of them fell... hehehe!)
Gracie gives the most amazing and thoughtful gifts. :)
She just knows what her dear friends would like and enjoy!
Thanks so much, Gracie!!
much love,

I would love to hear from you!