playing with makeup - Shen's Addiction

playing with makeup

yellow to green bananas

not so neutral natural

using mineral makeup from MAD and Pure Luxe that has been neglected for quite sometime.
I miss using multi purpose shadows. They are very pigmented but still very hard to work it because it takes a alot of space and messy at times. But nevertheless provides a great out come.


using a Stila palette my Aunt gave me


using the pressed NYX loose pearl mania


using Digital Angel's prize The Face Shop e/s palette,
along with 120 palette black e/s on outer crease, light silver as highlight


since i am pretty much in shopping rehab, i am here playing around with what i have... and boy do i have a lot! (at least i think i do). Now, i just realized that i only have one lips, 2 eyes, and 2 cheeks. I've been trying to learn a few tips and tricks to do my eyebrows since they grow everywhere. i have low pain threshold so plucking, threading, waxing is such an ordeal.. sometimes i just wanna have it laser-ed and surgically implant it with a new set of eyebrows... hmmm....

i just realize something, the reason why i'm breaking out so much because i can't be honest with my mom that i'm not happy anymore.. and i think i'm breaking out more because i'm so scared that i will be disappointing her... :( I've been keeping this for a long time but those closest to me and physically see me knows that i am not enjoying what i do right now and rather be doing something else. It's the same ol' story so i won't bother you with the details.

Besides, i don't know where to start when i'm given a second chance..

so confused and still breaking out,

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