personal: the bf at midnight
The bf at midnight went to my place... to do what???
to bring me food and libation. plus a cake too..
The bf and i were YM'ing when we felt a sudden craving for Pizaa Hut's BBQ ribs appetizer. He asked me if i wanted him to come over... I smiled and said "O.k." in a shy manner with matching blushing.. It was such a spur of the moment that my heart was traitorously beating fast.
Unfortunately, Pizza hut was already closed past midnight for delivery. I quickly called up the bf to tell him that he could go back to his house since we can't order anymore. He said he'll go anyway... Then i got a call and he asked if i want something from Mickey D's. I just said i want McChicken Burger Value Meal.. sigh! He's so sweet.
Despite the raging carbo and chalorie intake, what i'll end up with is probably diabetis because the is just too sweet for his own good. Note that he live about a city away from my place and went here nevertheless.. Le sigh (double!).
While here, we watched a DVD movie while we munched on our not-so-nutrcious-bu-oh-so-good fries, burger and spaghetti. I was also drinking a go big time coke at about 1am. After that, we fell asleep in each other's arms with our little baby doze off in his uber expensive dog bed.
Come 4am, he woke me up and says he gots go to.. sad sigh here... I walked him out to our gate and kissed him good night...
well, it could be for good morning too.
happy and overly full,
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