site makeover - Shen's Addiction

site makeover

hi y'all! i finally made changes on my blog (without intending to). :)

I just wanted to change the layout since the old one have too little space for pics. So i decided to use one of the many popular template in blogspot.

The Head Banner:
I made it! Thanks to google and jupiterimage.com, i found pics i wanted for my banner. i wanted to post my pics and stuff i love but i figured it will be a little cluttered. Thanks to Nikki's Banner that i figured the right size for mine. I tweaked mine to 900x290, i think. It took awhile, but i love the end result. :)

I think this site is really me. Pink for sweet, black for edge and soft waves coz i'm lazy! :) lol!

Hope y'all like it as well. :)

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