- Shen's Addiction

Thank you for the kind words on my previous post on the conflict i had with law and make-up. Your words just affirmed my decision to pursue law with a vengeance this year. I will be taking more units and start drinking more coffee. :)

The truth is, law school is hard and becoming harder everyday. And everything about it seems not to worth so much when i think on it... Except one, it is my dream. To help others in a way i know how, to fight for someone's right. I never saw myself doing anything else coz i don't have the patience of a doctor or a teacher. I suck at math so any mathematical related profession like architecture is totally off the list... But law, becoming a lawyer is what i am meant to do. To be in a courtroom.i know i have the potential, the confidence and the spunk. I'm talkative, blunt and aggresive (words of other people, not mine).

Again, thank you very much... maybe, Make-up will be a future career.. maybe it will remain a hobby. But right now, i'll call it as something that makes me happy. Maybe, i will be the Pinay Elle Woods someday(wishful thinking).

much love,

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