TAG: All about hair (thanks Nikki) - Shen's Addiction

TAG: All about hair (thanks Nikki)

Nikki of Askmewhats, thanks for the tag! :) I’m it!

Hair.. Hair.. Hair.. Well, I definitely have lots of these. I have the thickest hair I know! Every hairstylist I know comments on this. every time I go to the salon, I double the amount I’m suppose to pay just because my hair is good for about 2 to 3 people. It's wavy that I have to get it rebonded every year (I’m due this year). I’d forget a dental appointment but not this one. lol!
Unlike my dear blog friend Nikki, I’m not big on hair. I hate doing my hair (hence, rebonding). I leave it all to a stylist to the taming of my hair. I've given up on products that promised to tame my hair problems. It seldom works; if it does... it will burn a hole in my pocket or leave me in debt. :)

Length: Long and layered (below half of the back)
Style: hard to style aka wavy with pony tail marks (I’m so bad)
Condition: frizzy and desperately needs another visit to my HG rebonding SALON
Color: Black/brown

Favorite Shampoo:
Nutrizen Peppermint Shampoo - I love this shampoo. I got my first at the La Vista Bazaar and got hooked! The feeling is like you just came out from the spa. :)

Head and Shoulder's Long and Thick - I totally love this!! It helps keep the dandruff away. I found out about this when I got dandruff after a grueling 2 week stay in the hospital and no full baths allowed, I actually had dandruff. Since then, I can't go without this even if the flakes went away.

Favorite Conditioner:
Creamsilk Standout - imagine a guy sniffing your hair like those in the commercial? Well, this is what I get with this conditioner. Not only does it give the moisturizing that my uber thick hair needs but it catches the attention of my man. :)

Leave-on conditioner:
Kerastase Oleo-Relax - ever since my mom gave me a bottle of this, I fell in love!! I just hope she keeps on giving me this because it's so expensive!!!
Cream Silk Instant Stay - my local HG. Smells good and delivers what it promise and it’s not that oily. :)

Hair Spray:
Nada! I try not to use too much product in my hair do prevent it from more damage since I got really bad probs with it before. :)

TAG PART! :) i'm tagging...

1. Mhean of Moi<3makeup
2. aika of aika gay
3. christiana of memoirs of a shopping addict

4. vi-anne of the exciting life of stapler

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  1. hahahah wow, you've got really thick hair based on your description!!! so hard to dry and shampoo! You must spend a lot on hair shampoos and conditioners! heheh thanks for answering the tag :) I enjoyed reading it!

  2. Ooh tag! Thankies! I wish I have thick hair.


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