MY ULTRA MINI MAC HAUL - Shen's Addiction


I'm first to admit that buying MAC is truly a priveledge to me while for some, its quite the second nature. I'm quite blessed to have a very "galante" boyfie who feeds my love for Make-up especially MAC. still, i keep my MAC splurge into the minimum since my MMU's are still on top of my priority. :)

so here are 2 of my very recent purchase:

my very first MAC Eye Brush!!
MAC 217 Blending Brush

my next purchase is an eye base
(pic to follow)

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  1. i wish i can only have a mini haul at MAC too :(

    hey, i was just wondering how much is MAC over there? maybe when i come back to visit the philippines... if it's cheaper after you convert $ into pesos then i'll buy my MAC stuff there instead. where can you buy them too? i know Rustan's will have it cuz i remember that's like the bloomingdales in the Philippines. but anywhere else? would greatly appreciate if you can get back to me about it :)

    anyways randomly landed on your blog!

  2. it's actually more expensive here. :) my brush costs P1000, so that's 23.80 in dollars. :) and the e/s here is $20. :)

    yes, they are only available in Rustan's. others import it here and sell a lil cheaper from MAC rustan's.


  3. Isn't it great to have a brush "baby" ? hahah I can just look at my brushes FOREVER! :) Congrats with your first MAC brush and keep the hauls coming, Kikay!!! But don't break the bank :D

  4. i'm trying not too, sis Nikki. :)

    i;m saving P20 a day for the 28pc Suesh Brush. :) i want them too. :) hihihihi!

  5. good one! saving up 20php a day isn't too bad! go girl!


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